All articles & art on this website are copyright PPD and/or its artists. Items purchased are for personal use only.
The sale or use of copyrighted material from PPD or any of its artists in any product or work for resale, (i.e. - decoupage), is prohibited.
Lucky not to have swallowed pieces of glass!
Great product, and we really enjoy then as a lyrical cups for our tea and coffee’s.
I’ve been searching for this particular glass for many months! It was so hard to find and most places who had it did not ship to the States. I’ve had this PPD website bookmarked, hoping that this particular glass would show up in their inventory, and finally it did!
I was able to order the cup and it was delivered to me in California pretty quickly, within the week. The glass cup was packaged really well, and there were no issues when I opened it up.